


The last news, articles, videos, awards, publications and conferences of PERSEO Biotechnology S.L.. .


3rd project Waste2Bio newsletter now available

The 3rd project newsletter is now available! Click here to read about the latest key results of PERSEO Biorefinery in the framework of the project, next steps, project dissemination activities, partner news and other relevant issues. 3ª Newsletter

IMECAL -PERSEO Biorefinery selected as a success case by the BBI-JU.

IMECAL – PERSEO Biorefinery has been selected as success case SME in the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) report “The BBI JU SME Landscape: Driving impact and innovation”. The report highlights the motivations and drivers for the SME to […]

Assistance of IMECAL S.A. to the RES URBIS event in Rome.

Yesterday 11th December 2019, Caterina Coll Lozano presented our PERSEO Biorefinery pilot plant and URBIOFIN And PERCAL projects at the RES-URBIS final meeting in Rome. Several interesting waste valorization projects met during the event. Event website:

6th General Meeting of the PERCAL project at CENER (Pamplona).

The 6th General Assembly Meeting of PERCAL Project starts with a visit to Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) – National Renewable Energy Centre pilot plant at Aoiz. During the event, the last results obtained during the first two years […]

Assistance of IMECAL S.A. to the Bio-based Industries stakeholders forum 2019.

IMECAL – PERSEO Biorefinery is presenting URBIOFIN and PERCAL projects at the BBI Stakeholder Forum 2019 organized by the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU). During the event, new strategies for achieving Circular Economy were developed based in organic waste […]